-Elliott Richter-
Today’s Product review is actually a review of 4 options for keeping your plants watered when you have to leave for a trip, work, vacation, what have you. We will be covering 2 products each from Blumat: the Easy Adapter and Classic Junior Universal Automatic plant waterers (aka “Carrots”), and from Bosmere: Mr. EverGreen and Bottle Plant Drinks, where both Bosmere products are twin packs.
Everyone has been there. A last minute trip pops up due to an emergency from work, family, or friends. Or maybe it’s that rare vacation you have been planning for months just to escape the daily rat-race. You are all set to go but then you realize, MY PLANTS!!!! How will they get watered while I am gone?!
Well, here I have a side by side comparison for 4 products that were designed specifically for this situation! I will be giving you my tried and tested opinion on these 4 products so you can make the best decision for your needs based on several factors. These will be Cost, Durability, Ease of Use, Functionality, and Aesthetics/Design. All four will be ranked from best to worst in each category.
Product Summaries:
Blumat Automatic Plant Waterers are gravity-fed plant-watering stakes that give each plant the individual amount of water that it needs. They are incredibly simple to set-up and maintain and they are claimed to last for years. The Blumat “carrots” allow you to maintain the ideal moisture level for each plant, as they automatically stop and restart watering based on moisture levels you set for individual plants.
The Bosmere Waterers come in twin packs and come in different forms. Both are super simple and easy to use. The varied designs allow for a more “custom” usage depending on your needs and available bottles. The only need once installed is to refill the water level as necessary, a set-it and almost forget-it scenario, perfect for the people on the go!
The products will be ranked with points ranging from 1 (lowest score) to 4 (highest score) in each category, where the higher the number, the better the score in that category. At the end I will total the numbers and the products will have an overall ranking from best (highest score) to last (lowest score) to determine the best product out of the four..
So let us begin…
Let’s face it, this is an important factor for anyone. Luckily all 4 of our products are very affordable for any budget. The prices, when broken down into their individual units, range between $4 and $9 with the Blumat Classic Junior being the most expensive and the Bottle Plant Drinks being the most affordable.
- Mr. EverGreen (2 pack) – $10 ($5 each) – 3
- Bottle Plant Drinks (2 pack) – $8 ($4 each) – 4
- Easy Universal Adapter – $5.49 – 2
- Classic Junior Waterer – $9 – 1
Ease of Use
All 4 products boast a simplicity and ease of use. All except the Mr. EverGreen stakes require soaking first to saturate the ceramic cone tips before using in the soil. All of the products except Blumat Junior simply screw onto or are inserted into the top of a water bottle before inserting into the soil. The Blumat Junior only uses a bowl or reservoir set to the side of the plant at a height that matches the top of the soil. Its a little more work and space, but this is also more a point for aesthetics as well. All of the waterers, once setup and in use, are hands off, only require topping off the water level when low and the occasional cleaning to prevent clogging. Rankings:
- Mr. EverGreen – 5
- Bottle Plant Drinks – 5
- Easy Universal Adapter – 5
- Classic Waterer – 4
All of these waterers have zero moving parts and are super easy to clean. The Mr. Evergreen Stakes have a much longer delivery system which allows for a more efficient and deeper watering for the plant. However they are more designed for larger or deeper pots and will not work as well as the other three products for shallow pots. If the Classic Juniors are not soaked completely, the siphon action won’t work, so for this reason they lose one point. Rankings:
- Mr. EverGreen – 5
- Bottle Plant Drinks – 5
- Easy Universal Adapter – 5
- Classic Waterer – 4
The Mr. Evergreen is the classic stake design with the water bottle on top. The Bottle Plant Drinks are similar to the Blumat Carrots in that it is a ceramic cone attached to a dark green cap or adaptor that blends in nicely with the plant’s foliage. The MR. EverGreen stakes are a bright green that does stand out a bit more than the others. We like the earthy look of the Blumat brand best. Rankings:
- Mr. EverGreen – 3
- Bottle Plant Drinks – 4
- Easy Universal Adapter – 5
- Classic Waterer – 5
In our rating the Bosmere Bottle Plant Drinks came in first place with a total score of 18. Second Place was won by the Blumat Easy Universal Adapter, scoring 17 points overall, and Third Place goes to Mr. EverGreen. While the Blumate Classic Junior does come in last place, we still think that they are a really good option if you don’t want to have a bottle sticking up out of your plant!
- Mr. EverGreen – 16
- Bottle Plant Drinks – 18
- Easy Universal Adapter – 17
- Classic Waterer – 14
If you need a way to keep your plants happily hydrated either while you’re busy or while you’re away, look no further than our wide array of passive plant waterers!
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