Fifth Season specialized in Organic Gardening Long Before It Became Mainstream.
Shop our web store for all your organic gardening needs.
More than a list of products to use or not use, organic gardening encompasses a series of practices that work in harmony with our earth’s natural systems. Companion planting, cover cropping, composting, and crop rotation are all great examples of organic gardening. We are here to help you understand these kinds of practices and provide the equipment, supplies, and the advice you need to achieve the garden of your dreams from year to year.
You can browse our online store for a selection of our offerings for organic gardeners, but we stock many more items (including pottery, gardening tools, and accessories) in our actual stores. And if you still don’t see what you’re looking for, we’re happy to see if we can source it for you.
Fifth Season customers include novice gardeners who have never planted anything, commercial organic farmers, and every level of gardener in-between. We love to talk gardening, and are passionate about organic and sustainable gardening practices. So please, feel free to ask us questions! We also post regularly on the Fifth Season blog with tips, product reviews and other essential information to help you grow your own…organically.