One of the benefits of indoor growing is that you can replicate optimal growing conditions to get the results you are looking for from your crop. With the help of horticultural bulbs, you can mimic the seasons from Spring to Fall to match the light spectrum your plant is needing.
One part of indoor lighting that is often overlooked in Ultra Violet light. UV-A and UV-B are exceptionally beneficial to Aromatic herbs which make of 30% of all plant species.
These plants naturally possess a defense mechanism to help protect their leaves from the UV radiation. Trichomes form on the leaf’s surface to create a reflective barrier between the surface and the UV light exposure. This defense process created by the plant in essence is increasing its essential oil production.

CFL’s (compact fluorescents), LEC (light emitting ceramics), DE (double ended bulbs), and high kelvin blue sodium lamps all possess high UV spectrums. Whether used as your primary light source or supplemental lighting, your plants will surely benefit from the extra UV light emitted from these bulbs.
Studies on Basil and Mint, for instance, show that when exposed to more UV light oil production doubles. Increasing its culinary value, by adding more aroma which adds flavor, both, sought after by demanding chefs worldwide.
Whether growing for medicinal properties, culinary reverence, or for downright beauty consider supplementing your next crop with some UV lighting and see where it takes your gardening status.

Ridley Fitzgerald says
It’s cool to think of using lights to help plants grow. I had no idea that Ultra Violet light could be helpful to the indoor aromatic herbs. It’d be cool to try and cook with plants that had been grown that way!
Jeff Koelewyn says
I have a very valuable new plant that I want to build up the numbers of more quickly by cuttings
We are approaching autumn . Is it possible to keep the plants growing by giving more UV light to the plants I can put them in a plastic house to keep the temperature up day and night
Is growth mostly dependant on light or is it dependant on a combination of light and temperature Our days in mid winter will not get below 0 Celsius much and range between lows of 5 to 10 and maximums of say 15
ashley says
Hi Jeff, supplemental lighting is absolutely a way to grow plants all year long. Hours of light is key to plant growth, as well as temperatures that aren’t too cold (or too hot) for the plant to grow in. If you know the hardiness level of your plant, just keep your temps in that range. And depending on what you are growing, you will want to supplement with a certain number of hours of additional light at different stages of the plant’s growing cycle. For instance, many plants can have 24 hours of light to spur growth during their pre-flowering stage, but in order to induce flowering and fruiting, they will require a period of darkness each day.
Loren P Hoboy says
UV-B is not beneficial to plant growth. It causes cellular damage.