BioChar Source
20 Qt Bag – $19.99
BioChar Source is a synergistic biochar blend that is specially designed to help build the fertility of your soil. It is an ancient technology that Chargro has refined for modern day use. Through its interaction with soil microbes and plant roots, biochar creates unique growing conditions that produce lush and abundant crops.
BioChar Benefits:
- Improves Germination
- Stimulates Plant Growth
- Increases Water Retention
- Enhances Soil Fertility
- Increases Soil Microbial Activity
- Builds Carbon Reserves in the Soil
BioChar Planter
20 Qt Bag – $21.99
BioChar Planter is a biochar blend that is specifically designed to help build soil vitality for new plantings. Biochar has traditionally been used in drought stricken areas to retain moisture for trees and shrubs. Chargrow takes this a step further by adding symbiotic soil fungi and other beneficial organisms that help plant roots grow stronger and obtain essential nutrients.
More information available here.